When asked which Sega series is his favorite, Sato says “I’ve been involved in Yakuza for a long time. It’s my favorite series, or maybe even my own child.” So yeah, Sato’s spent quite a lot of time with Kiryu and company and now our new Yakuza: LAD lad Ichiban. When asked which series he’s never gotten to work on but would like to give a try though, it’s Sonic. “After all, when you hear Sega you think Sonic,” he says. “I’d like to get involved once at least. But for me, the so-called Sonic is, well, if I were to do it, I wouldn’t do Sonic as it was. I would like to make a completely different Sonic.” I’ve never in my life played a Sonic game, truth be told. I’ve sure played a lot of hours of the Yakuza series this year though, and as everyone who’s followed it is likely aware, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio sure have taken a chance on not doing the Yakuza series as it was. A new protagonist, new city, new battle system, and new mini-games are just some of the changes to their former formula. Personally I’ve found it quite a fun break from the Yakuza script, even if it stays the same in plenty of ways too. I can’t speak for you Sonic fans out there, but based on my time with Yakuza: LAD so far, I’d trust Sato and the rest of RGG Studio to take a swing at shaking up another Sega series. I doubt he means Sonic with silly sidequests, but imagine. Don’t anyone dare say Sonic hostess club. Don’t do it.