Below we’ll give you a few hints to help you arrive at today’s challenging Wordle solution; and further below we’ll reveal the answer, with an explanation of the word’s meaning if you need it. Wrong day? Check out the Wordle answer for Tuesday 14 February instead!

Wordle July 01 hints

If you’re struggling to figure out today’s Wordle answer, check out the hints below to give you a greater chance of success:

Today’s Wordle word ends in a vowel. If you were to type “INEPT”, four letters would turn yellow. The first letter is “P”.

Today’s Wordle answer July 01

Today’s Wordle answer is: PINTO. Wow, today’s word is an obscure one. “PINTO” is bound to trip a lot of players up, so don’t be too disappointed if you didn’t get it. Pinto is a certain breed of horse, one which has a coat of white and brown patches. They’re quite beautiful, though you may not be able to see it through the rage in your eyes at being given such a difficult word to guess. Nevertheless, we ask as always that you don’t spoil today’s Wordle answer to players who haven’t yet played today’s game for themselves. Wait until they’ve finished, or you’ll ruin their game. And that’d make you a real PINTO. Yeah. Did I use the word right? If you want to get a better understanding of how to get off to a great start in any Wordle game, check out our list of the best Wordle starting words. Another key resource to check out is our up-to-date archive of past Wordle answers. Wordle answers never repeat, so this is an ever-growing list of all words that cannot be today’s answer. Useful, no?