Base Builder Fest, as we mentioned at the weekend, is a week-long Steam sale dedicated to games about building bases or cities. That means that Cities: Skylines is 70% off again, RimWorld is 20% off, Satisfactory is 40% off, and Planet Zoo is 75% off. But those games have been reduced before by just as much, and there’s a decent chance you already own them. Subnautica: Below Zero is the perfect sale game, in my eyes: one where you know what to expect, know you’ll love it, where you’re less likely to have made time for it, and where it’s cheaper than ever. You can see on its Steam page that it’s £10.49/$12.59. Here’s what Brendy had to say in our Subnautica: Below Zero review back in 2021: Or you can find many more discounts over on Steam. Valheim is 30% off! All the Dawn Of War games are 85% off! Factorio hasn’t increased in price yet! You can also find a bunch of demos of unreleased games to try, although oddly the demo of the newly announced citybuilder SteamWorld Build isn’t among them.