According to SGDQ’s announcement, the event will now run from August 16-23, 2020 in Bloomington, MN. Here are the other highlights of SGDQ’s rescheduling: attendee registration will now be from June 7th to July 20th. Game submissions will reopen from April 29th through May 9th. Volunteers and hosts will need to reapply for the event if they plan to attend on the new dates. SGDQ also gave details about what they’ll be doing until August. Seems we don’t need a situation report every time an event is cancelled at this point but here it is in brief for you: Many gaming events are postponing or cancelling to help cut down on large international gatherings that might add to the spread of coronavirus because a bunch of folks all packed in a convention center is a recipe for transmission. RPS has a list of every gaming event cancelled due to coronavirus but new ones are popping nearly every day so it may no longer be a definitive list. “We are continuing to actively monitor updates from the WHO, CDC, local governments and public health agencies regarding COVID-19 and will provide updates via Twitter and on our website if anything changes,” GDQ organisers say. You can get the rest of the details about SGDQ’s new dates in their announcement.