First up - what, you really expect me to answer text messages? Wow, we really don’t know each other. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — she dreams elsewhere 😴 #BLM (@studiozevere) December 5, 2020 She Dreams Elsewhere is phenomenally stylish - and, if Sin’s gushing preview back in June is anything to go by, kind of extremely relatable, a game about having an anxiety attack at a party so hard you fall into a nightmarish JRPG dreamscape. Monochrome portraits across a burning neon pink and blue backdrop is also one hell of a look, too. If you fancy more, there’s a demo to try over on Steam ahead of next year’s launch Next up is an oldie, but I’ll let it pass considering I’d not heard of Colorfiction’s stunning Sands Of Voltark ’til now. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — 🌙 (@colorfiction) December 5, 2020 I love Colorfiction’s spaces, be they becalm’s shimmering boat trip or a low-resolution horror barnyard - which was why I was sorta shocked to have missed this wonderfully hazy desert. While we didn’t have a tag for it ’til now, Jupiter Hadley picked up Voltark back in her free games column in 2018. It’s still free, and it’s still worth checking out two years later. Our next entry pretty succinctly sums up the past year, I reckon - one that’s managed to feel like it’s lasted two decades and fifteen minutes simultaneously. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings Wishlist - #gamedev #indiegame #videogames #indiedev — Frostwood Interactive (@frostwood_int) December 6, 2020 A stylish, heartfelt game about returning to your childhood home before it’s sold off for good, Forgotten Fields is just the sort of melancholy vibe I’m looking for right now. This week’s post breaks from the game’s more sunny, real-world segments to indulge in a hazy storybook, with ol’ Solaire Of Astora over here telling us all about how time and space is messed up right now. Yeah, we get it, 2020 was weird. Set to release on new year’s eve, you can download a short demo of Forgotten Fields right now over on Steam. Finally, the Warcraft x Doom crossover nobody asked for looks hot as hell. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Arvy (@Arvydas_B) December 5, 2020 Okay, so I’m sure this is more of an animation / UI test than any kind of playable prototype, but I’m desperately hoping it becomes so. Blood and thunder and rip and tear, until it is done.