In the launch trailer, we hear gruff Sam talk us through his plans to escape back to the US, and also watch him shoot lots of dudes and get attacked by many gruesome creatures.

“Traverse the remains of Vladivostok’s tsunami ravaged harbours, ruined industrial buildings and crumbling residential districts in a huge, ‘sandbox survival’ level,” the blurb says. Sam’s Story will cost you £15/€18/$18 on the Epic Games Store. It is also sold on Steam, though right now that’s only useful if you pre-ordered Exodus there before Deep Silver pulled it to become an Epic exclusive. It’s on Xbox One and PS4 too. Metro Exodus will launch on Steam for real this time on Saturday so you’ll be able to get your hands on Sam then if you don’t want to play with Epic. This is the second and final expansion for Exodus after The Two Colonels, which is a linear underground adventure more in the style of the first two Metro games.