Little Inferno was a game about burning things. You’d unlock new items, you’d throw them in your fireplace to set them alight, and you’d try to incinerate them alongside other items to discover combos. It was more of a toy than a game, and it was wrapped in a beat-you-over-the-head satire of capitalism and video game monetisation. I didn’t like it very much and neither did Jim in our Little Inferno review. Other people liked it a lot, however, and a Christmas-themed expansion is a fine opportunity to warm your toes with it this Christmas. The Ho Ho Holiday Steam page adds that it also includes a new character, 50 new combinations in which to burn things, and an Infinite Yule Log. “Start a fire and leave it burning for cozy ambiance.” It’s a shame we never got an expansion to Kyle Gabler’s older game, World Of Goo, made with Ron Carmel, which I think is as good as Portal. It’s a terrible crime you forgot to vote for it in the RPS Reader’s 100.