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- Deck list and strategy
- Mulligan
- Card combos and synergies
Highlander Priest deck list and strategy
Here’s the latest version of Highlander Priest that we think you should be piloting. Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAa0GHh7cAZACyQbTCrCRA4KUA5ibA+ubA/yjA5mpA9qsA4WtA82vA46xA5GxA+O0A5O6A5u6A6+6A/S7A8i+A8jAA7PMA9vMA5zNA8vNA+PRA/vRA6bVAwAA General Strategy: You’re looking to play a standard control-focused game with Highlander Priest. It’s easy enough to pilot this deck, as long as you keep your eyes out for missteps. Early Game: Early on, Reliquary of Souls, Imprisoned Homonculus, and Dragonmaw Sentinel all work excellently as turn 1 plays, setting you up for stronger plays later whilst making an (almost) immediate impact. Keep playing out your cheaper minions if possible, but don’t be afraid to pass - your removal should be enough to keep you alive at this point. Mid Game: The newly-buffed Holy Nova now only costs 4 mana, so you’ll often be able to get rid of entire boards of aggressive minions. Use Apotheosis on a minion about to attack to gain Lifesteal too. Remember, every game is different with a Highlander deck, as you’re far less likely to draw out the right cards consistently. Your overall plan is still to keep the enemy at bay throughout the mid game though - and your deck should have just about enough variety to do so. From Breath of the Infinite to Shadow Madness, there’ll usually be some kind of impactful spell you can cast. Late Game: Your value is through the roof later on in the game. Galakrond, the Unspeakable can destroy up to 4 enemy minions and then generate a Priest card every single turn. Skeletal Dragon gives you a Dragon in your hand every turn, and Kronx Dragonhoof’s Devastations are potential game-winners in the right board state. Of course, the reason this is a Highlander deck is Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, so if you’ve not used these minions yet then now is the time - look for lethal with Zephrys if possible. He’ll always find it.
Highlander Priest Mulligan guide
1: Reliquary of Souls gives you early lifesteal for some decent trades, then shuffles in a whopper with Reliquary Prime.
- Best Budget Decks - Hearthstone: Best Budget Decks 2. Tier List - Hearthstone deck tier list (Ashes of Outland) 3. Resurrect Priest - Resurrect Priest deck list guide (Ashes of Outland) 4. Albatross Priest - Albatross Priest deck list guide (Ashes of Outland) 5. Highlander Priest - Highlander Priest deck list guide (Ashes of Outland) 6. Quest Resurrect Priest - Quest Resurrect Priest deck list guide (Ashes of Outland) 7. Quest Priest - Quest Priest deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
2: Dragonmaw Sentinel just needs a Dragon in hand to get Lifesteal, as well as an extra point of attack. A 2 mana 2/4 with Lifesteal is a fantastic way to slow down aggro decks. 3: Imprisoned Homunculus is a 1 mana 2/5. Sure it’s delayed, but that’s still massively valuable. It’s got Taunt too, perfect for stalling aggression.
Highlander Priest card combos and synergies
These are the most important card combos you need to be thinking about when playing this particular version of Highlander Priest:
- High Priest Amet changes the Health of all friendly minions summoned to his own. This means if he’s been damaged and is on 1, you’ll want to change that before playing something like Murozond the Infinite.
- Speaking of, Murozond the Infinite can be a ridiculously big play. If your opponent has just played a huge Taunt minion, you can play Murozond and get one of your own, plus the 8/8 body.
- Do the maths before casting Soul Mirror - you might be able to end up with a few minions left over of your own if you trade well beforehand.
- Holy Nova has been buffed to 4 mana, so you’ll be able to play it a turn sooner. It’s super important against board-flooding aggro decks, especially important with the new Demon Hunter class.
- Unfortunately, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza can no longer get a 0 cost copy of herself from her Battlecry. Still super strong though, and you’ll sometimes generate an extra copy from Skeletal Dragon if you’re lucky.
- Kronx Dragonhoof is usually best played when Galakrond, the Unspeakable is already in play. With it, he can cast a Devastation, whereas without he’ll just draw your Galakrond.
- Shadow Madness will give the enemy minion back to them at the end of the turn unless it dies. Try to trade it off against another enemy minion, since that’d be two kills for the price of one.
- Sethekk Veilweaver is a great value generator, since you’ll get a Priest spell in hand for every time you cast a spell on either a friendly or enemy minion. Unfortunately though, this doesn’t work for Battlecries like that of Aeon Weaver.