So far, players have uncovered several YouTube videos as part of the ARG. Until today though, each video had been just a black screen with sound or a live-action video providing new clues. Today’s video looks like it’s almost certainly from the game itself. There’s voice-over from a person named “Tasi” who could possibly be the game’s protagonist, what looks like a desert, and a small rocky ruin-looking structure with spooky blue light coming out. Here it is in text for ya: “Don’t lose it. No. No, come on! I need to find him. He must understand. I am Tasi. I am still Tasi.” Like Frictional’s other horror games, this certainly has a mind horror vibe to it, as if Tasi’s identity is somehow in question. Then there’s a mysterious “he” who needs to understand something as well. The desert-y setting seems to play well with the other clues dug up by players related to a village in Kazakhstan and the Egyptian-looking eye symbol now on Frictional’s site. I still don’t quite know what’s up with the baby Frictional are growing on the landing page of but surely that’ll come into play eventually as well. Shoutout to the clever folks in Frictional’s Discord server for digging in the digital desert.