In this guide you’ll find out the names and stats of every single plane included in each edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Take a look!
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 planes list
The base version of Flight Simulator gives players 20 planes to learn and fly, with the Deluxe edition granting you five additional planes and the Premium edition granting you another five on top of that, bringing the total up to 30. Here is every single plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and the edition in which they become available:
You can view all your owned planes in-game in the Hangar section of your Profile tab in the main menu. Here you can also view full stats and a detailed description of each one’s history, role, strengths, and weaknesses.
Which plane is best for learning Flight Simulator?
As in real life, the best planes for learning how to fly in Flight Simulator 2020 are the small, light, aerobatic-capable planes. This is why all of Flight Simulator’s training missions teach you to fly using the Cessna 152 - and indeed, the Cessna 152 is an excellent starting plane. But for players who know nothing about flight sims and just want to go fly over their house, I’d recommend a step up from the 152: the Cessna 172 is an extremely forgiving plane for beginners. It’s familiar for those who have gone through the training missions with the 152, but the Cessna 172 has the added benefit of two digital screen displays in the cockpit which make reading your situation and surroundings that little bit more intuitive. Another strong recommendation is the Robin DR400/100 Cadet - another very lightweight and forgiving aerobatic-capable plane. This aircraft has an easily understandable array of instruments, and the shape of the canopy gives newcomers fantastic visibility, making it a perfect choice for scoping out your home town or even your own house. And that wraps up our guide to all the planes in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020! Why not now learn how you can instantly visit any exact coordinates on Earth using Flight Simulator’s search function?