Along with the free to play week, anyone subscribing to Game Pass can claim a free month of Fallout 1st membership. That’s Bethesda’s controversial subscription service for Fallout 76, which gives access to private servers, unlimited in-game storage, and an allowance of the game’s Atoms currency. If you play Fallout 76 then at least you’re getting a few Atoms for nowt out of that. It wouldn’t be Fallout without having to take some kind of weird personality test, so Bethesda have come up with a new one. The Post-Apocalyptic Loyalty Simulator, or P.A.L.S. for short, is pretty much the Atom Punk equivalent of Hogwarts’ sorting hat, sifting you into whichever one of Fallout’s many factions your responses seem to indicate you belong to. You can have a go here. I ended up with the Enlightened, Fallout 76’s worshippers of the Wise Mothman. It’s been more than four years since Bethesda updated free to play Vault simulator Fallout Shelter, launched back in 2015. All the 25th anniversary talk must’ve spurred them into action though, because Shelter’s finally getting a new update. There’ll be new Vault dwellers to recruit, more weapons, a celebration room theme, and a questline revolving around aliens. The update isn’t ready just yet, but should be soon. Fallout 76’s free to play week runs from today through to October 11th. Bethesda have set up an anniversary site for Fallout’s 25th, which you can check out here.