Gameplay overview is as gameplay overview does: a broad sense of what the game is, showing a broad range of things in it. A trailer you could send to your pal who’s a bit out of touch with games these days and casually messages you, “What’s up with this Elden Ring with ads on the side of the bus?” Like a child watching Doctor Who, I hid behind my chair and watched the trailer with one hand plugging an ear and the other’s fingers blocking my eyes, because I want to see it but I don’t want to see it. I can wait a few days longer to experience these discoveries, surprises, and many deaths for myself. If you do want to know more, o brave fool, you can read our Ed’s preview of playing the first six hours. He said that was “so much vaster than I could have imagined”. He later told us about the extra focus its open world demands, too. I haven’t properly read those either, and you can’t make me. Elden Ring launches this Friday, the 25th of February, on Steam for £50/€60/$60. It’ll be on PlayStations and Xboxes old and new too. It’s made by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco.