I watched Daemon X Machina trailers around both its launches, and god it’s pretty. Those colours! Tango Orange deserts and turquoise skies - and then, why not, Tango Orange skies and turquoise deserts. DxM offers mech combat of the anime-not-MechWarrior variety. Think zippy, flying ninjas, more like a character action game, than slow and stomping battle houses. You can customise the mechs and their anime pilots, and there’s co-op and competitive multiplayer alongside the singleplayer story. We didn’t review it at launch, but it got middling-to-good ratings from lesser (but more comprehensive) gaming websites. If you absolutely positively insist on spending money today, Daemon X Machina is also 50% off on Steam, making it £25/$30/€30. Epic announced yesterday as part of their 2021 review that they’ll continue to give away free games weekly in 2022. Next in line after the mechs is Yooka-Laylee And The Impossible Lair. While the first Yooka-Laylee was a throwback to 3D platformers like Banjo Kazooie, The Impossible Lair turned the clock back further for side-on platforming and a topdown overworld, a la Super Mario Bros. You’ll be able to grab it from Epic for free come February 3rd, but it’s 75% off right now.