First, the news for everyone: That’s the official poking, prodding, and puzzling (PPP) they want fans to do. The other form of PPP is unsanctioned, with players rifling through the beta’s files hoping to find more things like the potential peeks at Warzone’s map. That naughty PPP is evidently not unexpected, mind. It seems Treyarch set a jokey wee trap for looky-loos, as noted by @luisw_1998. Open the game’s executable in a text editor and you can find (I checked myself) a list of settings including some with tantalising names. The SEASON_CONFIG, PCDDEV_GODMODE, LOOTBOXES_CONFIG, and MTX_CONFIG bits are all followed by URLs, which turn out not to be shocking leaks of confidential info but rather different disguised links to the original Rickroll’d video. The URLs tack on cheeky tags like “you_are_curious”, “you_are_too_curious”, and “you_are=way_too_curious” too. A classic Internet prank, or possibly someone at Treyarch with an earnest appreciation of a pretty fun song. Fire up the client and you can download the Cod Blops Cow multiplayer beta to play until 6pm (10am Pacific) on Tuesday the 20th. The full game will launch November 13th.