What we do know is that Baldur’s Gate 3 is “on track for release in 2023”. Larian say they’ll have more to share on this during the Panel From Hell stream. They’ve already let slip that Acts 2 and 3 are being actively playtested now, though, so that’s a good indicator that things are moving closer to release. The devs have opened a new motion capture studio in the UK, too, setting up shop in Guildford to add to their set-ups in Ghent, Kuala Lumpur, Quebec, and Dublin. They say it’s an “ideal location”, due to it being “nestled in between a bustling high street and a place that sells 12 different kinds of sausage rolls”. You can read more about the preparations for Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch 9 here. By the time Patch 9 rolls around ahead of the holidays, it’ll have been five months since Baldur’s Gate 3 last received an update. Patch 8 rocked up to introduce bards to the early access game in July, and brought gnomes and snazzy new hair-shading for those delightful highlights you so desperately wanted. Patch 8 also chucked in Swarm AI to group minor enemies together in combat, and added a killcam to showcase those bad-arse ranged crits from projectile weapons and spells. Baldur’s Gate 3 is available in early access on Steam and GOG for £50/$60/€60. You can expect to watch the festive Panel From Hell sometime in December.