“We will not be silenced until Bobby Kotick has been replaced as CEO, and continue to hold our original demand for Third-Party review by an employee-chosen source,” said employee group ABetterABK. Over 150 workers gathered outside Blizzard Entertainment’s offices in Irvine, California. ABetterABK said that 90 more joined the protest virtually too, with many taking the #actiblizzwalkout hashtag on Twitter to share thoughts and support their colleagues. Activision Blizzard issued a statement about the new allegations, talking about recent improvements, and claiming the WSJ report “presents a misleading view of Activision Blizzard and our CEO.” ABetterABK called this response “unacceptable”. “We are more than a revenue machine. We are people, and it is clear that Bobby Kotick is not conducive to the health and safety of any human element. “Under Bobby Kotick’s leadership the company has been accused of mistreatment, sexual harassment, rape, and a death threat made by Kotick himself,” the group said. “The board is just as complicit if they let this slide. It’s past time for Bobby to step down.”